It turns out we've been here for 4 weeks now. Our time in Malaysia has seemingly flown by, but with only one week to go we're certainly not without anything to do. Anyway, here's what we've been up to since Alice so kindly updated the blog on Monday.
Tuesday and Wednesday were mostly spent at the cathedral, preparing for the rest of the week to come. Wiggy was busy working for the home-group on Wednesday evening that he's been leading over the past few weeks. This week the group was looking through John 6:41-71. On Wednesday afternoon Alice and Nicky attending a Girls Brigade event, where Alice was speaking; the majority of the girls who attend are not actually professing Christians and so it was a great opportunity for many of them to hear the good news of the gospel. That evening Rob spoke at the prayer and praise service that the cathedral had invited him to.
Nicky, Alice and I attended the Chin refugee schools again on Thursday morning and afternoon. This week Alice was leading the teaching on Romans 12:3-21, where we learn that we are to be humble, and not proud, as we serve one another in the body of the church, and to be loving to those around us. Rob and Paul also had the exciting privilege of leading the weekly bible overview class on Thursday evening, as Andrew is on holiday. They were covering the New Testament book of Luke, and seeing how the Old Testament promises are all fulfilled in Jesus.
On Friday morning Nicky and I headed over to Shal home for the weekly Bible study session with the adults that live there. This week was my turn to prepare and lead the study on Romans 14, in which we hear from the apostle Paul that as brothers and sisters trusting in Christ we are not judge or stumble one another but are to welcome and build one another up in the faith that we share, knowing that it is God who is the ultimate judge.
Romans 14:10-12:
10Why do you pass judgement on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgement seat of God; 11for it is written,
"As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me,
and every tongue shall confess to God."
12So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.
Saturday brought a chance to spend some quality time with lots of members of the church. Rob, Alice and Nicky joined the ACA congregation for a morning picnic in one of the few parks in KL. Wiggy and I spent the morning playing futsal (indoor football) with some of the members of the SMACC1 congregation. We both were very happy to do some exercise after nearly month without any, and you'll be glad to hear our team won.
Today, Alice and Wiggy were both leading Kids Church lessons on the last section of Genesis. Rob was once again doing a triple preaching stint following on in John 6 from last week. And we were joined by our very own Mr. Charles Reid, who made a flying visit from Singapore for the morning service.
John 6:40:
40For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day."
Thanks for reading, check back soon for updates on our last week here.
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